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Galaxy Formation

Galaxy formation represents the intersection of many branches of physics from cosmology to plasma physics, and involves a vast range of length and timescales.

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Feedback: Binary Stars and Compact Objects

The deaths of ordinary stars herald the births of compact objects: white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. Magnetized neutron stars – pulsars and magnetars – emit luminous radiation powered by their rotational and magnetic energies.

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The Cosmology and Gravitation Area, which studies its theoretical and phenomenological aspects. We work on diverse topics such as the generation of large-scale fields in the early universe, alternatives to the cosmological constant, among others.

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SAN 2023

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The Southern Astrophysics Network (SAN) brings together experts in observational and theoretical astrophysics from Argentina, Brazil and Chile. The main goal...

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Meet Us

Meet our research group

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Direccion postal:Casilla de Correos 67,Sucursal 28

Buenos Aires (1428)
